Monday, March 2, 2009

Subtopic 1

On the non-Olympic level, there are numerous disabled athletes who have uncovered success on a normal playing field, against normal athletes. Most of these athletes have gained the attention of their local communities because they only have one arm or leg, and most of them are not competing above the high school varsity level.

The point is that kids can compete locally without the use of prosthetics. Most kids want to be considered ‘normal’ and refuse to wear their prosthetics during competition anyway. The spirit and nature of competition is not lost or hindered in any way, and when these athletes win a trophy, they can take pride in their work and effort, just the same as any ‘normal’ kid.

Especially since they do not employ prosthetics, these athletes deserve to compete against able-bodied athletes, since they are most definitely at a mental and physical disadvantage to those who have properly-functioning bodies.

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